HELLOthis is SILK SILKY WILKY SISI SILKWORM AILK sisi goes by it/its don't use he him on me or I'll kill you myself I am a minor who knows nothign about the world and I like to play and have fun and yaoi

Im too lazy to change the color of thebuttons whateverThey have personality

Credit to bee fremimir beenius for thsi gif :333333

dni ummm weirdos proshitters whatever idont care gaming x chongyun/xingqiu shippers or whatever getttt away I used to have a super long rentry w all the things I hate but a weirdo posted it and their weirdo friends were makign fun of me and I had to delete it. They hate silky
byf idk as User Xinfqiu 90% of ghe things u will see here will be xingqiu and cq I applogize in advance And also d4dj and also I blcok a lot of ppl for no reason if ur blocked thne honeslt i dont carei rt bunnies a lot and im cringe when it comes to xingqiu and cq
Okay so first of all xingqiu Xingqiu (Chinese: 行秋 Xíngqiū) is a playable Hydro Charavter from genshin imapct shes my favorite character ever ever ever of all time sonce 2020 hes the best and worst thigm thatwhas ever happened to me I am a dedicated xingqiu fan 97 year old xingqiu fan still makes xingiqu the old fashioned way es transfem and bisexual in my head lgbt woke hes so cute i loeb his design his haurcut fits him I think my fav partwabout him is how he doesn't gaf aboutbussinens when his fmaily I s the backboen of liyues economy and aslo Hes like a buny and hes stupid and dumbw hethinks hws the best but he looks like one of those tiny octopuses or whatever my fav voiceline about him is is his voiclein about yun jin because he keeps dry tea leaves In a jar under his bed for her when she doesnt have inspiration so he doesnt run out of heroic tales to listen to:333 he's a very nice and kidn person even if braindead ppl think its just his chivalric novel protagonist act because he genuinely wants justice for everyone :333 alsoooSILK FLOOWERERRRRSSTSTGDHDHDH he manages the silk flower trading Anywyas something that ppl say about xingqiu that I dont like is that he doesnt mind working for the guild when he literally hates it all he wants is freedom and one of his biggest fears is growing up because ut means he'll have to manage the guild like his older brother :(( hes just a kid that doenst want to grow up and its a very important part of her charavter.... Having freedom and being rebellious becaude of growing up in a prestigious family... Anhways I like that he's a nerd since he was 2 seconds old and that he would read books in class instead of paying attention hehe so silly but thqt also caused him to have errr a not so good handriwting I honeslty hate ppl that joke ALLLLL the time about xingiqus handrwiring We get it😅😅 Can you stop I wanna talk about his new ski n now.. the story is so fucking cute he was sneaking out AGAIN like last year until he found a kity and he had to get all dirty to save the cat... And!!!! The part where it says he was holding onto his brothers arm while sayinf Amazing!!! Most amazing!!!! Sooo cuteee.... How he called the kity Mr cat... And how he said that he didnt like the outfit at first since it restricted movement does rhat mean the guhua arts Do focus mlre on the legs I swear I saw someone talk about that once anyways he didnt rlly like it but then he was fine w it bevause he wanted to make the guests from fonraine feel welcome What a gwbtleman and his fav part of the outfit being the pockets it has inside bc he can put a thin novel in there!!! Anyways at the end of the skin story xingqiu starts writing about a chivalrous thief from Fontaine I love how much he loves writing hehe Sorry this is gonna be long I love his skin but also I hate it I have so much to say about it What I want to talk about now is his hair.... Its longer now and his bangs arent choppy anymore.... While in the skin story his brother says that maybe xingqiu did mature a little this year he DID try to sneak out again so hes the same old xingqiu hehe another thing I rlly like is how they call him little lad and how his brother calls him his kid brother:3333 that reminds me of his voiceline about beidou because he says she ruffles his hair and calls him kid eeverytime she sees him ^ω^ also his voiceline about rabbits made me wonder if his original outfit represents him as the rabbits he liked when he was a kid and his new skin represents the stag, the animal he likes now basically meaning that xingqiu has matured... A little bit at elast teehee... Another thing I reaaallyyyy like is his voice in all the dubs!!!! My fav one is korean its soooooo him its so cutieful ^ω^ English is also really good I feel like cristina vee is literally the perfect choice for him he soinds mischievous... I like cn and jp but I dont rlly play w them teehee.. I really want an event for xingqius skin.... He didnt appear at all in lantern rite except for being in the cutscene for 1 second in 140p .... All the characters who got skins so far have appeared in the main version event !!! Wheres xingqiu I need xingqiu Fontaine book signing event NOW!!!!!!! He's so androgynous like if a man and a woman had a baby....... He has a lot of ... Eough ... G-.... gay implications or something.... His earring the voiceline a bout the rabbits AGAIN sorry I love that voiceline All his dialogues and interactions w chongtun..... I love you blue transgender bisexual idk what I would do without you. I like his outfits theyre all so cute except That One. The rest of them r rlly cuteee I love this one so cutieful :333 modern au xingqiu would be errr idk Smart and prettyyy and xingquu:333 I might say Things about her sometiems on priv but its the Past 9 Pm demons I think he deserves the world . Xingqiu has changed my life and I wouldnt be the same persln without him I hope one day I'll be 85 with my xingqiu shrine and xingqiu oomfies I am not done yet I have so much to say about xingqiu so so much Hmmm he's .... Eugh... He's.... Ca.... Canoni- ough...... CANOCICNALLAY BEAUTFUL I throw up everuime I have to say the world canonically anysahsyyyssssse hes handsome good lookign and dressed to impress and hes the second son of the Feiyun commerce guild is there anything better than that He's not handsome at all he looks pathetic bur WAIT I have to talk about his birthday arts Those matter so much to me . The 2020 one is okay!!! Its very vert cute but his shoes and socks ate gone and thats just (""^ω^) and the pose is not that bad but he's barefoot Anyways moving onnn to 2021 GORGEOUUUUSSSSSSS GORGEOUS GORGEOUSSSS SSOOOO BEAUTIFULLLLLLL THE COLORSSSS THE EVERYTHINGGGGTT Its soooo gorgeousufjjfjfjffhhhhhhhhhhhhh and the water silk flower is so cool?????? They ahokld draw him w it more also does that mean he can make all type of forms w water so cool hehe oki now 2022 THE BEST he deserves an award for saving queen xinyan and all the oyher characters of the baby face disease..... Overall super cool and gorgeous shes always gorgeous and it kinda matches fischls 2022 birthday art!!!! The pose and the moon :33 now 2023..... While it isnt bad it just felt Eh He still looked cute an d he has Long eyelashes but it was kinda boringgggg butttt at the same time they made Art of his love for pranking chongyun... True love I rlly want the 2024 one to be with his normal outfit but long hair and no ponytail I think it would be cute :3 ummmmmmm anywyas im kinda tired rigjt now I'll continue my essay about xingqiu in a few hours when imwnot so tired teehee Oki im back hello I want to talk about his skin again but about the trailer!! I think it was very cute and xingqius soundtrack was very good!!! I loved the part where he was playing with some kids (the same kids in chongyuns hangout!!!) And all the scenery was just really pretty :3 and the skin voicelines!!! he sounds so cute yes king fontainian fashion suits u..... We love u...... I'm Gonna talk a little about cq because its impossible talking about one of them without mentioning the other hehe they're very important to each other and ohhhh my god IM STARVING UUUGHHHHH ohhh my god im so fucking hungry im gonna die Anyways it's so cool how xingqiu represents the phoenix and chognyun the dragon, they're a symbol of harmony, everlasting love and good luck and xingyun means good luck :3 and dragon and Phoenix also represent yin and yang, with xingqiu being the yin to chongyuns yang!!! I really wish more ppl talked about this and how theyre literally made for each other.. :3perfevr romance.... I really liked irodori even though I didnt play it because it showed us xingqiu being flustered and nervous and a mess It was cute how the first time we see xingqiu in the event he's sleeping sitting on a box hhfhfjfj and he was sooo excited to meet albedo but when he finally met him he was super nervous.. this and lying becaue of his calligraphy... It was cute how everyone helped him out in the end w his book signing!!! It's great seeing him make new friends!! Also xu was there so I came immediately Dude talking this much without pics is so hard ummm errrr oh I love his perpetual ^_^ face... He truly doesn't have any other expression... Creature of joy full of joy and whimsy.... Haters mad that I ^_^ XP ^ω^ oh ive been trying to get 9999 carrots for his signature dish.. I already have 9999 rice and 9999 shrimp but finding carrots is haaaardddd aggh.. he was rhe first character I lvl 90ed friendship lvl 10 triple crowned r5 lvl 90 weapon and c6ed... When I first got him I was sooo happy because I also got yanfei and I was liek !!!! Eeee!!!! And since then he has NEVWR left my main team NEVER EVER and I will never replace him its too late now I cant be normal again. His poetry is really good I don't understand shit about poetry but his is rlly good... I feel like not too many ppl acknowledge him as a poet though 😞 mostly as a writer. He is outstanding at everything he puts his hands into!!! Is there anything he can't do he's a writer a poet a swordsman a nerd .. naybe singing he s tone deaf yes but he tries his best and enjoys it :] he was capable of learning the 3 arts of the guhua clan, raincutter for swords, light piercer for polearms, and life ender for those who mastered both, which xingqiu did!! And also learned 8 secret techniques in 4 years!!! He did all that in only 4 years that's really cool.. but now that chenyu vale came out we can see some of xingqius notes in wagshan hall and god is he dumb. He thought he had to train on rainy days to master raincutter..... There are some notes that are written in "free spirited handwriting" notes where xingqiu was excited about discovering something new to help him w mastering rain cutter only for the next notes to be written in "crooked handrwiring" where hes all sad and disappointed that the thing he thought would work did not dork 😭😭stupid He's strangely very popular in chenyu vale??? He's mentioned a lot.... Probably for being one of the youngest and most outstanding members hehe

This is the outfit I was talking about and this is the octopus or whatebe it is :3